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This is the best way to hide the protruding Notch at the top of the screen of Android phones
This is the best way to hide the protruding Notch at the top of the screen of Android phones

Hit the blind imitation of iPhone X lots of Android phones companies, this year is the year of extrusion phones or Notch which didn’t like a lot of loversAndroid system and especially the fanatics of them so it was important to find a solution to this problem and restore the usual format for Android phones and monitors which I love everyone without exception this method easy and only need to applyLight would solve the problem.Because of the great freedom afforded by the Android system and highly customizable it was easy to find an applicationTroubleshoots and named Nacho Notch and is available to download for free on the Google store, its primary function is to hide the protruding Notch fully mobilize the top bar of the screen with a black background to back into shape and normal.All you need is to download the applicationFrom the link you’ll find at the bottom of this post and then will go to notifications bar as in the picture below.

And then you’ll find the icon resembles a gear shape will balshaght them to add a new shortcut and you’ll then shortcuts that can be added by selecting a shortcut through Notch NachoDrag the shortcut and add it to the list.After you add the shortcut will save the modifications you made to make your shortcut to hide protruding Notch once you press it you will find that the JAG has disappeared completely
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