the best ( 5 ) easy way TO earn passive income!
the best ( 5 ) easy way TO earn passive income!
In this article, I will talk about proven and experiential methods with the best of people (and me) who do it and make the Passive Income myth a reality, ways to make it within your goals will make you know the meaning, strength and magic of this term.
But you can start reading these methods, let me explain something very important about the right idea of ββwork .. I do not want to think that I do not do something and come to the money so !!
We have previously agreed that there is no source that will give you money without doing anything. That is the logical thing, but what you found and what you really did was you can work for the future.
This is the real and main reason why this myth is so difficult to achieve. It is impossible for many people. If we thought about it a bit, it is really not easy to work with all your energy every day and for a long time. The motivation, the ambition and the desire, and do everything necessary to succeed, all this without any compensation throughout that period, but must also spend money !! Is not it hard?
Now that you have learned the right way of thinking, let’s start with the methods that I consider the best and the best too, so that things are clear to you and you decide to start them in a way that suits your business, God willing.
You will notice in these ways that we will now recognize that it shares two approaches to achieve this wonderful equation:
Manufacturing an experimented and self-managing system
Manufacturing income sources do not require intervention but depend on your main business
And I will clarify what I mean in these ways ..
1. Educational training has been established:
The first way to do this is to create an online tutorial. This is an excellent way to do it only once and earn you a long income. This is an amazing advantage in working online. You do not need to book a place or a limited number and do not spend any expenses. Just plan and execute for just one time and sell that training to an unlimited number of interested people.
Every one of us has skills, hobbies, things that he knows very well and there are certainly a good number of people who are interested in knowing them. This is something that is very true to him. You only have to work hard to train one or more of these things and explain your personal experience. Its, just .. it actually does not need to explain more.
Rob Cubbon is a very ordinary person who has a great love for doing exercises in more than one area and putting his personal experience in these exercises, for design and programming .. about his experience in the work of exercises win thousands of dollars per month .. for any thing he knows well and has done previously and there are interested They want to do what they do .. This is a picture of their profits in this way they do in one of several sites used to develop their training ..
This method depends on the first method, which we mentioned above .. The manufacture of a tried and tested system manages itself, it uses sites specialized in training .. Means visitors to those sites know that they will buy training benefit them, and needless to say that they are millions per month … Yes can Marketing your training in different ways, but if you do not, you will find a lot of those who watch the training in an organic manner without your intervention
Some of the best sites you can start with in this way:
www. skillsuccess .com
There are many, but these are the best and most visitors
2. Create a useful program:
Unfortunately, you do not find many of these programs on the Internet .. Frankly I do not know why, with it’s amazing way to manufacture a permanent source of income does not require intervention from you but depends on your main business.
I mean the program here, any web application or tool specialized in solving the problems of a particular category of people interested, and the tools are profitable in my opinion is to make the customer to achieve his goal easier .. or faster.
Did you know that there are tools used in my work for 7 years and more !! , I pay her every month for 7 years .. Am I crazy ?? I think not π but if I did not really benefit from it for what I have been using for all this period … and what does the owner do ?? nothing .
Tools, analysis, tracking, industry pages, hosting, spy on competitors, testing, words of indication, expenses and revenue, etc … etc … Do you believe what I pay them monthly or once?
CrazyEgg is a good tool for analyzing visitors to web pages, where the feature of heat map and other features that show you what your visitors do in your page .. Where they press and what they see and where they focus .. The monthly plan the least they start with 9 dollars per month only, They have more than a million users .. If only we said that everyone uses the least (although this is a mistake) .. You speak about 9 million dollars per month !! From its simple tool and solve a small problem in this market.
The question that you ask yourself now is .. How is this way Passive Income and it requires me to always work for marketing and customer service ??
Here you are told that in this way you adopt the second approach. This is your main job in this project. If you have more than one project, you must create a work environment that will do what is necessary for the success of your project. First Powell .. But do not do it yourself and will not achieve the equation!
My son is a work team, their science .. trust them .. And their management, do not you want to intervene at all ?? Put those who run them, so I think all the time .. And so you should think too.
3. Create a site:
I love the ways to my heart, which has proved its existence and quality for me … It suits me very much that it can be boring to many people, if I do it correctly .. It is an excellent source of income without direct work from you.
Pat Flynn is the best example of this. His website specializes in the transfer of his experiences on the Business Online. At least one million visitors enter his site every month. He does not sell anything there until now. He relies only on the afliet as sources of income there. Here for more than $ 100 thousand of these links Alvliet !!
This method follows the second approach as well. These sources of income come only because they depend on their main work, but the website. It does what it usually does, it places text content, podcasts, videos, and follow-up activities. His duty for him to make his visitors are increasing, and therefore his coins are increasing
Why do I say this is Passive Income ?? Because it is simple, it does the right way … Know its visitors and know their interests, try tools, programs and courses .. Be useful to him, recommend them logically, whenever he wanted to increase the source of income .. Add recommendations in the public and remains interested in his work The main as it is.
Creating websites is an excellent way in several styles too, for me the website is the store that receives money from me without having to be inside it !! , Do you believe there is a shop without a seller that opens 24 hours in 7 days a week, enter the interested and pay the money and come out !! Yes this is the site π
Create a site and take care of it and tired from the beginning, you will not find a return for a period of time, but then you will know that everything I suffered does not matter at all ..
4. Buy a profitable site:
It is a beautiful method I use in certain periods, because I love the work of sites .. I know how to win them well, instead of working one from scratch and diligence in a way that sometimes leads to boredom due to repeated process .. Why not buy one ready to save me a long time ?
Many people think that buying sites is only profitable if the site actually earns thousands of dollars, but do not forget that this site will be priced in tens of thousands !! , The best is to buy a site owner reduces the ability .. Know you can make it better and earns more money.
Not long ago (about 4 months ago) I bought a site from someone I think would read this article. The site was, it was based on Google visitors basically and the Facebook page has a good interaction to bring targeted visitors. I studied the site and saw its profits in Clickbank Video .. gave me permission to enter Google Analytics and see everything there, a smart person and knows what to do .. And of course he appreciates the site and profits, but he wanted to work a larger site in a different market interested in more and the same idea that tasted profits.
Here came my turn, after the study I knew that I can win fold the figures that I saw and with a little development I can put more than one source of income .. I found that the price can be recovered in a small period and bought it .. Currently there is one of my team interested in content, I do not just watch Chart Earnings every day.
5. Create an electronic product:
We talked in a similar way to the benefits of creating training and tools for sale, electronic product here I mean e-books and educational courses.
You study the market well, know your potential customers .. Start planning to create your electronic product, you prepare it well so that it is actually useful, all this is done once only .. And you can sell your product million times.
But to be a Passive Income, you will need a System mode to do this for you. Here I am talking about a good and experienced Sales Funnel business that makes interested people want to buy in a period of time.
In this sitem you will definitely need tools that work for you, tools that make this source of income permanent and does not need any intervention from you in the future .. For me this is what I need:
Pages are ready and thoughtful to send visitors to them
Build a mailing list
Ads in the right format in Facebook
And of course you can use your website (my preferred method), just as I do here on this site .. I care about my usual tasks in the site and because it is a specialist will definitely want to buy one of the products without interfering … even if the sales are modest, but I’m not doing anything !! Yes, this is my concept of Passive Income